How to create a ‘buyer frenzy’








Call me crazy, but I’ll be real surprised
if you don’t take me up on this:

Get ready for a buying frenzy!

Are you kidding me… $6 for every lead?

I had a gentleman this morning begging
me to explain what this new funnel is all

He heard about how he could make $6 bucks
for every lead he generated.

Here’s what I told him…

Go watch the video and grab your system
while it’s still online.

Talk soon,

Stumbleupon Thousands Of Visitors

Traffic is what all Internet Marketers are after. Though to be more precise, we are after targeted traffic, not just any old traffic. Targeted traffic means they are interested in what we have to offer and are therefore more likely to buy, signup or otherwise participate in our website.

Many marketers spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours building traffic to their websites. In some cases, the cost of traffic generation far exceeds the meagre income made from the site itself.

Aside from the usual traffic generation methods, there are other Web 2.0 techniques you can use to increase your traffic.

One site in particular stands out with its ability to generate vast amounts of traffic very quickly.

This site is It is a site that has a great following and offers something for people who are bored at work or at home. The basic premise is that you find a site you think is interesting (you Stumbled Upon it) and submit it to Stumbleupon.

Visitors to Stumbleupon can look through the sites other people have found. They can vote to say they like a site, which gets it more views, or say they don’t like it, which gets them less views.

In many ways, Stumbleupon appeals to that voyeuristic, reality TV mindset. People can see what other people are doing and vote – something which is becoming ingrained into out culture.

In order for your site to do well on Stumbleupon it must be the kind of site that people will want to pass on and recommend. Sales letters don’t tend to do very well, but controversial or contrarian articles do. Anything that is cute, funny or entertaining will do well.

This can be an article, a video, or anything of a similar ilk. It must be something that has social appeal to your niche. You may have to think about how you can spin your content in order to give it wide ranging appeal. It can be done though, and will get you traffic.

You can Stumbleupon your site yourself, but it is better to get someone else to do the original Stumbleupon for you. This could be a friend, family or an outsourcer. They will need a set of space separated tags plus a description and to know which category you want it placed in.

Once it has been Stumbleuponed, you need to get other people to say they like it through the Stumbleupon website. This will help to kickstart the viral effect. If you can, put a link to Stumbleupon on your website to make it easy for your visitors to say they like it.

A well written article with wide social appeal can get thousands of visitors in a single day from Stumbleupon. It is a very powerful site that you, as a marketer, must be using. With the traffic potential from this site, you are missing out on valuable backlinks and massive amounts of traffic if you are not using it.

Six Proven Tips to Boost Your Team Collaboration

A team is not a team without collaboration, and a team without collaboration is nearing dysfunction. Sure, bringing a group into one can be difficult. Each person in your team thinks and act differently. But when there is a need to collaborate, everyone must think and act as one.

In this article, we have compiled some of the best ways to increase team collaboration to help leaders and members escape a difficult situation in times that they’re struggling to achieve unity.  

1: Improve communication constantly

Communication is undeniably a major key to effective team collaboration. Poor communication can create an invisible thread of issues that will eventually show up and impede the performing team. Team communication can be improved by:

  • Making sure that each team member has a clear understanding of their responsibilities and what to expect from them.
  • Using systems or methods that can help team members communicate within. Each project may need a different way of communicating with the team. It’s best to use the form of communication that works for everyone. 

2: Empower the strengths of your members

Every member of your team has its own strengths and weaknesses. They use different techniques and approach to accomplish their goals. While it’s important to determine their weak points, it’s more crucial to leverage their strengths. Doing this will not only improve communication but also motivate the members to perform better and do their best every time.

3: Establish individual and team goals

Creating goals are not only beneficial for your personal growth but also for your team. Launching goals will create a path of clarity and cohesion by removing barriers and promoting a positive feeling of accomplishment. It is also important that these goals will be reviewed quarterly, to celebrate those goals that have been achieved and recognise those that need improvements.

improve team collaboration - life intelligence group

4: Evaluate problems effectively

If something is not working, leaders must take a holistic approach to see the root cause of the problem. It could be personal issues, competitiveness or other related reasons. Leaders need to be fair and straightforward, and the best way to do this is to survey your team and get their own opinions to make them feel that they are heard and understood.

5: Inspire innovation

Don’t let stagnation kill the fire within your team. Allow them to grow and keep their excitement alive. Leaders can do this by encouraging brainstorming or hosting innovation events, in which each member’s ideas can be heard and acknowledged in a non-judgmental setting. This fun activity will surely inspire the team to level up their creativity and performance at work.

6: Use an effective task management system

Nowadays, technology plays a crucial role in improving team collaboration. With an effective task management system available, your team can easily communicate with each other as well as organise and manage their tasks efficiently, wherever they may go. An effective task management tool has the ability to improve your team’s collaboration and productivity level significantly. By choosing the right system for your team, you can be sure that your team stays organised and well-disciplined.

These strategies have worked for us, and we’re hoping it would work for your team too! Whatever style suits your awesome team, one thing is for sure – a team that collaborates effectively, accomplishes their goals effortlessly.  

Does Your Team Need a Productivity Boost?

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. – Andrew Carnegie

At Life Intelligence Group, we believe in the importance of collaboration and how it can bring impact to organisations. We believe that collaboration is more than just communication and interaction.

If your team is struggling to collaborate or in need of a powerful productivity boost, we can help!

Find out how our world-class Agile solutions can help you and your team create a stress-free workplace and foster productivity to achieve successful team collaboration. Visit to learn more!

Voordelige Websites NU

Wat doen jullie na oplevering van de Website?

Wij blijven op de achtergrond meekijken naar de  ontwikkelingen en voortgang van de Website.
Indien noodzakelijk geven wij advies en informeren over actuele WordPress ontwikkelingen die een passende functionaliteit kunnen aanbieden. Onze service stopt niet en after-service voor uw vertrouwen.
De WordPress functionele ontwikkelingen staan nooit stil. Daar letten we erg goed op.
Tevens kunnen we afspraken maken omtrent onderhoud, tekstcontrole, huisstijl bewaking en alle andere WordPress voorkomende zaken. Dat zijn er erg veel en groeiende.
Vragen? Neem dan contact op.
Wij kunnen u direct adviseren. T 0592 346562- M 06 15005162

Voordelige Website NU



Wij vinden dat elke onderneming een professionele goed onderhouden WordPress website verdient.

Voor elke onderneming of organisatie hoe groot of hoe klein dan ook kunnen wij direct Voordeel aanbieden.
Wij vinden dat elke onderneming een professionele goed onderhouden WordPress Website verdient.
Voordeel is er altijd. Omdat wij subtiel maatwerk aanbieden kunnen wij de onnodige en zinloze functionaliteiten uitschakelen en de gewenste juist optimaal inschakelen.
Optimaal gericht op de bedrijfswebsite met herkenbare huisstijl en vooral imago ondersteunend.
U heeft een directe vraag? Neem dan telefonisch contact op.
Wij kunnen u direct adviseren. T 0592 346562 – M 06 15005162

push notification appointment reminders

There are many facets to running an effective and profitable business and for those service related businesses that are defined by customer meetings and appointments the integration of push notification appointment reminders is in fact a digital marketing component of business execution that can be put to use within any company which will in turn have a direct impact on revenue generation. There is nothing more annoying than product demonstrators, salesmen, delivery drivers and other company employees turning up for appointments only to find out that the customers is not at their places of residences or the other business representative is not in their office space in order to make good on the meeting appointment that had been planned and agreed upon by both parties. This leaves the company who may have used a full service digital marketing agency making the appointment with downtime for the employee in question which has a direct impact on any given revenue generation parameters (with revenues being tied directly to sales and sales being linked to the number of meetings or product demonstrations that take place).

The way around this of course is if the person in question is not able to make the appointment that they would simply let the company know about their changes in circumstance; it may of course be the case that they simply have not remembered about the appointment. So let’s take both scenarios into consideration for argument’s sake. In the instance where the customer simply has forgotten about the meeting it would be so convenient if a mobile phone based message could be sent direct in order to remind them of the upcoming meeting; this will provide the customer with the opportunity to rearrange meeting times as appropriate.