7 ways to heal your inner child

7 ways to heal your inner child

Why is the healing of the inner child so immensely important?
Your inner child is pure joy of life.
Your inner child can lead you into the liveliness of life, full of energy.
Your inner child is the gateway to your creativity.
Your inner child helps you to be astonished again, to be spontaneous and to inspire you.

Your inner child is a helpful explanatory model,
… to see through your mechanisms,
… to no longer be the “victim” of your programs
… to heal feelings, experiences and memories from your own childhood
… and to finally find yourself.

Your inner child is an important inner part, when it is healed, we can really act as adults instead of reacting from old childish patterns.
The healing of your inner child helps you to free yourself from your self-made prison. It is time for your inner child to grow up, for that is the prerequisite for the completion of the awakening process.

I’ll show you 7 ways to heal your inner child:

1. Awakening & your inner child :

When we awaken / grow up, we realize that we are not independent beings, but that there is something higher, the search begins, then we may pray to God or deal with angels. We evolve and discover that we are not just the body, that we are not egos, but that all is a consciousness in which “I” and your inner child happen. So no ego with consciousness, but consciousness, that experiences itself as ego. Then consciousness wakes up in the body, realizes itself, I do “puff” and IT is recognized. In this process, there is a cleaning before and after.
And that includes the healing (in german spirituelles heilen) of the inner child .

How do you experience life?
As consciousness in a body or as consciousness in which a body appears?
Are you your inner child or are you what your inner child appears to be?
What are you identified with?
What are you and what are you not?
Explore your true nature by distinguishing.

2. Discover your inner child and his programming

In the first years the ego develops, that is important, because only a strong ego can eventually surrender to the divine. Did you know that your inner-child ego programs that determine your life manifest themselves until the age of 4? The computer is almost finished without us even talking. Until we get to know and heal our inner child , we run like 4 year olds through the world. That’s why two 4-year-olds often quarrel in conflicts, and it’s usually the 4-year-old who desperately wants to beg for the love of her partner (= mom & dad).
Misery or? Therefore it is NOW time to get to know your programming of the first 4 years and to heal your inner child .

Begin to see through your unconscious programming. Observe the repetitive patterns you are following. Anything that is unconscious has power over you, if you are aware of something, you can withdraw that energy from it. That’s why all my courses are always about becoming conscious and feeling, because everything automatically comes into its own.


3. Take responsibility for your inner child

It’s time to empty your backpack and leave the self-made prison. A self-determined adult bears responsibility for himself and his inner child , perhaps even for his pets and his own small children, for no one else, not for partners, parents who are all adults. of course you can help when you are asked and do it wholeheartedly, but you can take the backpack of the others safely from your shoulders. For this we can take the absolute responsibility for our feelings and for our inner child .

If you feel exploited, disappointed, even though you are always there for others,
…. if you are lonely, needy, because nobody is there for you,
… if you expect something from other people, but can only ask for help with difficulty ….
… .then it is urgent time to take responsibility for your inner child and to empty the backpack.
If we keep the backpack, we live in a self-created prison.
Let’s blow up the wall!

Take your backpack off your back and look inside:
Do you really want to lug it all away with you?
Are you ready to wear your inner child instead?

4. Your inner child needs your compassion

Your inner child may be as it is and it is always welcome. It does not need to be treated. Accept it RADICAL. By radical (radix = root) I mean perfect. A baby is needy, without adults, it would starve, if not just a monkey gang comes over and it grows up in the jungle Wink.Are you ready to accept your inner child completely and from now on to look after your most helpless aspect, for your inner child ? This is none other than you in your most helpless version!

Imagine you had SUFFERED as a child.
You would have been enough and never too loud, too small, too quiet, too fat.
But we all learned not to suffice, we were too attached, too timid, too stubborn, too angry.

What are the ones of your childhood?
Were you a too quiet child or too loud a child?
What have you been told or felt?
Can you have compassion for the quiet, loud, angry child?
Can you see that your inner child and your parents have only ever given their BEST?

5. Your inner child and the maturity process

If we ourselves are still like little children waiting for a Savior in the outside, be it Jesus or the prince on the white horse, then it will be difficult to hold our inner child , to bear it, to give it security and security. The ripening process is very often not completed and so it is quite normal for your inner child to rage and scream when it does not get its will and feel rejected. As long as your inner child has not completed the maturing process, you can not help but act out of the inner child . When your inner child is healed (or Heile dein inneres Kind) it is an integrated part of you that stands for your creativity, joy, liveliness, and lets the everyday situations be done by your adult.

I divided the maturing into 3 phases.
This maturation process begins at
… inner baby,
… goes over the inner child ,
… to the teenager (rebel)
and leads to an authentic awakened adult life that has retained its childlike wonder and joy.

Are you already out of your rebel phase or are you still the helpless baby?
Do you react due to old patterns or do you act consciously out of your midst?
How mature is your inner child?

6. Your inner child wants to contact you

Maybe you have even more compassion for your inner child and are ready to take responsibility for it? You can now understand how your inner child is doing.
What do you feel for your inner child ? What do you want to tell him? There is certainly a lot, right? Then it would be time to get in direct contact.

There are several ways to contact, I give you 3 to choose from.
1. Write a letter to your inner child . Remember, you write to a child, so write easy and understandable.

2. Take a children’s photo and talk to your inner child . How is he? Maybe you want to tell why you want deeper contact or maybe you have questions too.

3. times with the inner child . Feel into your heart and ask your inner child if you want to paint a picture together. That’s how creativity can flow again.

You can also receive guided meditations from me here , eg meeting in the magic forest and the heart room meditation for your inner child .

7. Your inner child is the key to inner peace

I consider the healing of the inner child to be one of the most important keys to a life of freedom and inner peace, because as long as the old programs still control us unconsciously, we always want to be something special, to be seen, respected, missing, loved, etc . become. THAT IS EGO – you are not. These are programs in you, in this case with the heading ” inner child ” and they are real, but that’s not you. It is your job to grow up and take responsibility for emotions and life situations …. I repeat myself … yes … on purpose. Let us regain the inner freedom of the inner child and lead a self-determined life as an adult.

Directions for the deeper process of peace of your inner child:
The goal is your own growing up, your inner peace, your maturation into a responsible awakened adult who has integrated his inner child.
Detailed information can be found HERE : https://www.deutsche-heilerschule.de

This is us” Chris Sullivan addresses “anger” on a fat suit

This we addressed the star Chris Sullivan some disappointment viewers from revealing that he is wearing a fat suit to shoot Toby.

Sullivan,  Chris,  Metz,  Toby,  actor,  Chris Sullivan,  fat suit,  wearing fat,  Chris Metz,  actor Chris,  wearing a fat suit,  actor Chris Sullivan,  Chris Sullivan addresses,
This is us” Chris Sullivan addresses “anger” on a fat suit

During an interview with Megan Kelly, Sullivan was asked about the controversy over prostheses, which he has worn since the show began. “There are a lot of things that can be angry these days, and I think the anger of an actor on a TV program that may be wearing a costume that makes him bigger than it is, maybe low on the list,” Sullivan said.

“If I don’t show Toby as honest or honest – if I don’t agree, I’ll be happy to talk about it. But I think that no matter what fashion I wear, especially with Toby, I try to bring as much heart and honesty as I can.”

Earlier this year, actress Chris Metz of Sullivan spoke to defend Sullivan after it was revealed he was wearing a fat suit. “Chris is heavier, so I think he understands the plight of being overweight,” she said. “He was also the best man for the job. And people wear prostheses all the time – it’s just weighing like a nose or chin … It’s just kind of the name of the game.”

Actor “This Is Us” Chris Sullivan reveals 3 secrets of the collection

We’ll take any secret we can get to the crew “This is us” for the leak, and fortunately for us, Chris Sullivan is ready for the dish.

The actor, acting as star to Kate Pearson (played by Chrissie Metz), stopped by Meggen Kelly on Wednesday and participated in three nuggets of the “This Is It” series. (No, Jack’s death is not one of them, but we will never stop. This is us. ”Actor Chris Sullivan on the plot of twists and bond that unites the cast


Here are the three exciting stories he shared:

  • Pound Sterling. Brown, who plays Kate’s brother on Randall’s screen, can sing! “He has a wonderful baritone,” Sullivan said, adding that he often hears musical music in Brown’s trailer and that the actor is not ashamed of singing “frozen” or music from Broadway’s “wicked” show.
  • Mandy Moore, who plays Rebecca Pearson’s mom, has a unique way to reach the character. “Just before you start to take it, it shakes the entire body,” Sullivan says. It sounds like a nice way to get rid of any nerves!
  • Metz, the two have a strange way of showing bonds when the cameras are not rolling. “Chrissy and I have been communicating with two southern personalities a lot of time,” Sullivan said. For no reason except we are stupid. We disagree – but we like to hear those dialects. ”

Chrissy Metz evokes the conclusion “This is home”: “There is some twisting”

Tuesday’s episode of This Huna found Pearson’s gang in Las Vegas, where Kate and Toby celebrated their impending wedding with bachelor parties. But the adventure of Sin City was not all fun, games and Magic Mike Live.

One thing viewers cannot notice is that Kate and Toby (Chris Sullivan) had very few friends to bring with them to Vegas.

“Well, they were really isolated in their relationship to self-reliance, and they went through a lot between Toby’s health and abortion,” Metz said. “So it’s hard to let people get into difficulties that they may not understand.”

While many Pearson clan members ended up bickering on the trip, Kate and her brother Randall (Sterling K. Brown) shared some kind memories. This week, viewers knew that siblings were inseparable after the death of their father Jack (Milo Ventimiglia), both of whom were angry with their brother Kevin (Justin Hartley).

“I think there is a lot of resentment towards Kevin because he was absent from the fire and Jack died, which eventually attracted Randall and Kate in the end,” Metz said. The experience of such a painful event had created an eternal bond. ”

As for Kate and Toby’s upcoming marriage, Metz confirmed that fans will finally meet Tepezman’s mother, who “has everything and nothing to expect”.

She also advised viewers to expect the unexpected.

There is a kind of twisting, right in the way,” she said, “because writers are geniuses.” “From alternating speakers: optimistic and happy, through venting is very important.”

Chris Metz, an Emmy-nominated actress who plays Kate Pearson, opened the emotional episode to Entertainment Weekly – and gave a big hint of “twisting” at the upcoming wedding finale in the second season.

Read: The GOLO Diet Can Help You Lose Weight?

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Today I want to tell you about a new email solution that I completely fell in love with: ViralinBox! This platform is an all-in-one email, list building and marketing solution, which means that it will not only serve you as an email solution but also as a way to build a list and market your products (or affiliate products).

I can hear you… You already have an email account and access to programs that allow you to build a list and promote and advertise all sorts of products. Well, ViralinBox is very different from what you currently have because it will also help you dramatically increase your work productivity and give you massive, targeted exposure!

Here are a few of the main reasons why you should join ViralinBox:

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You can also say ‘goodbye’ to all the spam you keep receiving and don’t seem to be able to stop. ViralinBox allows you to permanently stop spam with the push of a button! With a ViralinBox account, you can create multiple boxes, with a unique email address each, and you can of course close any of them whenever you want.

Every time you make a new contact or join a list, you should create a new email address, and if they start spamming you, you can close the box and you will never receive any more emails from that source! You could also simply unsubscribe from the list but unfortunately too many don’t play by the rules in our industry!

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I’m 57 years old and live in a small town near Austin, Texas, together with my dear wife, Daisy.

But I’ve been a long-time researcher passionate to help people all over the world on how to live better lives and spread awareness on how anyone can help support a healthy weight loss.

Now, as I near the end of my career, I want to share all the mountains of knowledge I’ve gathered all these years regarding hearing and how to take proper care of your body…

While being a bit overweight isn’t fatal at first, it can lead to a number of health-related issues down the line. After all, a normal weight not only improves your general wellbeing but it will also boost your self-confidence. And while you might be tempted to try out all those “fad” diets and meal plans, I must let you in on a little secret – the key to a healthy and balanced lifestyle is not limited to the foods you eat.

You’ve probably heard this a couple of times but for some reason, you’ve never put it into practice. You will be surprised how fast your portions will decrease in size and how much better the food will be absorbed by your body. I also recommend you turn your meals into small meditation practices, eating in a state of complete relaxation for optimal absorption and digestion.

This might not be obvious at first, but a good sleep schedule is key to healthy and permanent weight loss. How is that possible? Well, sleep keeps the “hunger hormones” (ghrelin and leptin) in check. When you don’t get enough sleep, you create an imbalance between these hormones and that leads to an increased appetite which, in turn, will put your weight loss journey to a halt. As you grow older, you will find out that you will need more and more sleep but I always recommend that the average adult should get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night.

This might not be obvious at first, but a good sleep schedule is key to healthy and permanent weight loss. How is that possible? Well, sleep keeps the “hunger hormones” (ghrelin and leptin) in check. When you don’t get enough sleep, you create an imbalance between these hormones and that leads to an increased appetite which, in turn, will put your weight loss journey to a halt. As you grow older, you will find out that you will need more and more sleep but I always recommend that the average adult should get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night.

It will be hard to stay away from “temptation” foods, especially as you take your first steps into your weight loss journey. And it’s going to be even harder resisting this temptation when you can find it right on your kitchen shelf or in your fridge, up for grabs. The easiest method to avoid this is simply by not buying those foods in the first place. I like to think that the “out of sight, out of mind” saying applies to foods as well – the lesser you see them, the lesser you’ll crave them. Keep that up until the craving goes away for good.

If you found yourself trying everything to lose weight and those extra pounds are still not gone, you might be having a hormone problem. One such issue is called “Thyroid Hormone Deficiency” and when this happens, your metabolism will significantly slow down, causing you to gain weight, instead of losing it. You can prevent this problem by eating enough iodine that you can naturally find in shellfish, fish, sea vegetables, and iodized salt. The other hormonal issue that could be causing you to gain weight is called “Over Concentration of Stress Hormone”. This is caused by high levels of stress in your life (and body). When this happens, the stress releases cortisol hormones in your system, increasing blood sugar levels. When underutilized, this blood sugar is turned into fat and naturally, this limits your weight loss.

If you found yourself trying everything to lose weight and those extra pounds are still not gone, you might be having a hormone problem. One such issue is called “Thyroid Hormone Deficiency” and when this happens, your metabolism will significantly slow down, causing you to gain weight, instead of losing it. You can prevent this problem by eating enough iodine that you can naturally find in shellfish, fish, sea vegetables, and iodized salt. The other hormonal issue that could be causing you to gain weight is called “Over Concentration of Stress Hormone”. This is caused by high levels of stress in your life (and body). When this happens, the stress releases cortisol hormones in your system, increasing blood sugar levels. When underutilized, this blood sugar is turned into fat and naturally, this limits your weight loss.

Not knowing what you will eat tomorrow will throw you into the ‘grab what you have’ panic when you start to feel hungry. Preparing a meal on the fly makes you highly likely to choose higher-calorie, less nutritious food. So, when you have lunch or dinner today, make the plan for the next day’s meals. It’s much easier if you do this when you are not hungry and it gives you enough time to chop veggies ahead of time, take something out of the freezer to defrost or do part of the cooking today.

If you avoid fiber, your body will direct you to the bad carbs (such as candy, white bread or soda) and this obviously is not a good choice. Instead, try to stick with good carbs and add more fiber to your diet. Some foods that are equally delicious and rich in fiber are legumes (beans, lentils), veggies (Brussel sprouts, broccoli, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes), and fruit (apples, pears, oranges or berries).

If you avoid fiber, your body will direct you to the bad carbs (such as candy, white bread, or soda) and this obviously is not a good choice. Instead, try to stick with good carbs and add more fiber to your diet. Some foods that are equally delicious and rich in fiber are legumes (beans, lentils), veggies (Brussel sprouts, broccoli, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes), and fruit (apples, pears, oranges, or berries).

My life-time vision is that of a world where everybody can easily and affordably manage to lose weight and keep those pounds off. That’s why I’ve spent most of my research activity trying and testing various ways that could really make a positive impact on people’s lives.

And I will be more than happy to share it with anyone who needs it. That is why, with the help of my doctor and his connections, I managed to create a natural weight loss formula that is available for everybody. Before turning this formula into a supplement, I made sure that it is:

100% natural: with ingredients sourced from local growers that let plants naturally reach their full maturity and use no chemical treatments

100% effective: mixing ingredients in the right way and in the right amount to keep their properties intact

Safe: processed under strict sterile standards with regularly disinfected equipment

After all my requirements were 100% met, we finally had the final product:

Every capsule is made here, in the USA, in our FDA approved and GMP certified facility, under sterile, strict, and precise standards. Met Slim Pro capsules are non-GMO and safe. You can rest assured that they do not contain any dangerous stimulants or toxins, and more importantly, they are not habit-forming.

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This means you have 2 whole months to see if Met Slim Pro is for you or not. So just click below to make your choice, enter your payment details on our secure order form, and place the order now. We’ll immediately ship your bottles directly to your home.

Remember! For each order of 3 and 6 bottles, you will have a big discount, and every order comes with free shipping, no matter where you live.

Please note that the information we provide is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. We encourage you to inform your physician of changes you make to your lifestyle and discuss these with him or her. For questions or concerns about any medical conditions, you may have, please contact your doctor.

The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 South Entertainment Ave, Suite 410, Boise, Idaho, 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

*For international shipping (outside of the United States), shipping fees will apply. Read more here.

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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Met Slim Pro is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.